Fotografía: Alexander Alcocer
Christian Tapia (Quito - Ecuador)
El dibujo, es la base de todas sus creaciones. Un dibujo con un marcado estilo personal que lo ha construido a través de los años mediante un trazo libre que
se aleja de los cánones tradicionales. Por medio del grafito, la tinta china o el rapidógrafo, abandona por instantes el color para convertirse en un dibujante nato, centrado en la creación que nace a partir de un punto sobre el fondo blanco. Con una especialización en grabado y escultura, trabajó desde la mano y la herramienta como parte de su educación formal. Sin embargo, siempre se sintió atraído por la tecnología informática. Por ello, algunas de sus obras son trabajadas a través de la intervención digital, recurso que le permite explotar su creatividad mediante la experimentación y sin desprenderse de su estilo personal.
María Elisa Flores
Crítica de arte
Christian Tapia (Quito - Ecuador)
Drawing is the basis of all his creations. A drawing with a marked personal style that has been built over the years by means of a free stroke that it moves away from the traditional canons. By means of graphite, Chinese ink or the rapidograph, he momentarily abandons color to become a born draftsman, focused on the creation that is born from a point on a white background. With a specialization in engraving and sculpture, he worked from hand and tool as part of his formal education. However, he was always drawn to computer technology. For this reason, some of his works are worked through digital intervention, a resource that allows him to exploit his creativity through experimentation and without giving up his personal style.
Christian Tapia investigates the possibilities of art beyond the classic and traditional by experimenting with different supports and materials that go from paper to mural through digital art. Always with hidden messages that are made evident through the image and that are nourished by its reality. A reflective work full of meanings and accompanied by the permanent development of symbols. Currently he continues to work on the concept of rituality, but this time with more joyful rituals alluding to those same memories as a celebration of his identity. A work where technique and subject matter perfectly complement each other and in which you want others to be able to recognize each other.
Maria Elisa Flores
Art critic